Friday 4 September 2015

Reflection 2


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     Everybody has dreams, wishes and goals and sooner or later they get closer and closer to them. Since young my childhood ambition was always to become a successful engineer. I have so much of interest in this field due to my inquisitiveness on how things actually work. Other than that, I enjoy working on maths and problem solving questions which is a key element in the field of engineering. I believe, in most cases reaching a goal means to accept challenges in order to follow your dreams. However, I haven't chosen a specific field of engineering yet. This is because I always wanted to keep my options open in case I have an interest in some sort of engineering in the future. I used to have a faint interest in aeronautical engineering because I was amazed in the way planes fly in a great height and such grace. However, the interest faded as I embarked in a new journey of life.

     In order to achieve my goal, I am planning to pursue my studies in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in in United States of America. I always had the ambition to study in MIT since young. The reason behind this was when I looked at the Times University Ranking quite a number of years back, I found out that MIT has always been consistent in terms of ranking as they usually finish in top three. Since that, I fixed my goal to study my engineering course in MIT. What drives me to this goal as I always practice the quote which states that "Shoot for the stars, you would at least reach the sky". By achieving my goal I would definitely attain my personal satisfaction as I am able to achieve both my dream career as well as the university of my choice. Other than that, another plus point here is that I am able to prove to myself that there is nothing impossible in this world. Moreover, I am able to obtain a better standard of living in the future and at the same time reducing my parents burden. Since they have sacrificed their entire life for my well-being, this would provide me with an excellent platform to repay their good deeds.

      In terms of attainability, I would definitely say that it is achievable as I strongly believe that there is nothing that is impossible in his world. So far, I feel that I am in the right track to achieve my goal. I  passed my UPSR, PMR and SPM examination with flying colours. Now, I am in the A-level course to continue battling in order for me to achieve my goal. Moreover, my parents as well as my brother have been constantly being very supportive in helping me achieve my goal. They have been continuously supporting me to for me to achieve my dream. Therefore, since I have set my goal in a very young age, I have ample of time to achieve it. This provides me an opportunity to plan my goal in such a way that I am able to achieve it in the long run. 

     For me to achieve my goal, I would have to structure it properly and efficiently. Therefore, I must be able to face the challenges in life to be able to achieve my goal. First of all, my academic achievement in my A-levels is definitely a prerequisite for me to apply to the university of my choice. This requires a lot of hardwork and effort that has to be put in to make my goal realistic. Other than that, I would also have to balance my non-academic activities which are the extra-curricular activities. For instance, I have been playing cricket since young and have represented the Selangor Cricket Association in a International Junior T20 Cricket Tournament and now it is time for me to upgrade my game so that I am able to represent the country in the future. Other than that I would also have to participate in more charity events such as donating for a good course, charity run,etc. I am also planning to pick up a musical instrument to learn a new skill. This provides me a chance to add weight to my resume and personal statement during university application. In a nutshell, perseverance and good work balance will be a key for me to achieve my goal in life which is to study engineering in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,USA.     

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